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Health & Safety

Help keep your pet safe from accidents and injuries with these safety tips.

Bloat: Dog Owners, Watch for Symptoms

Gastric volvulus, also known as bloat, is a condition where a dog's stomach becomes distended or bloated and then begins to twist upon itself, which can affect breathing and heart function, leading to death.

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Cancer in Pets

Cancer is a leading cause of disease-related death in older pets. Just as in humans, early detection can make the difference in treatment options and outcomes.

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Canine Influenza Virus

Canine influenza virus (CIV) is a viral respiratory infection. There have been two identified strains of the virus in the US: H3N8 and H3N2. These viruses are considered to be endemic in the United States and there have been cases of both strains in Oregon.

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Canine Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal disease. Puppies less than 6 months old and unvaccinated dogs are most at risk to contract a serious case of the disease, which can be fatal.

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Diabetes in Pets

Just as diabetes affects nearly 30 million Americans, diabetes is also affecting our pets in increasing numbers. Obesity is a contributing factor.

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Dog Bites Can Be Prevented

More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and more than 800,000 receive medical attention for dog bites—most of them children. Learn more about how to prevent dog bites.

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