Advertising Opportunities
Take advantage of these opportunities to reach Oregon veterinarians.
Industry Partnership
Our industry partnership program helps support the organization’s public relations efforts, education resources for veterinarians and their clients, as well as our outreach programs for the public—all of which help to promote and encourage the highest standards of animal care as well as the profession of veterinary medicine. The benefits of our industry partnership program are primarily advertising related; in short, exposure of your company to our membership.
Annual Conference
Exhibit at our annual education event, the Oregon Veterinary Conference, held annually each spring at Oregon State University's CH2M Hill Alumni Center. Booth space is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis upon our receipt of a signed exhibitor contract and deposit. Contact us to be added to the mailing list for the exhibitor prospectus.
Newsletter Advertising Inserts
We offer advertising inserts in our bimonthly member newsletter, which has a circulation of approximately 1,100 (hard copy and electronic).
The insertion fee is $350 per issue. An annual insertion agreement for all six issues of our newsletter is available at a $50 per issue discount, with the year paid in advance. Industry partners receive one insertion at no charge and additional insertions at $300 each, or $250 each with annual agreement.
The inserts are 8.5 x 11 (letter size). We need 400 copies of your ad insert or we can have black and white copies made from your original for an additional fee ($65 single sided, $130 double sided). We do not provide color copy service. If you want your insert to be in color, please provide copies to us or arrange for printing with our printer. The insert can be single or double sided, but must be flat, not folded. We also need your insert in PDF format for inclusion in our electronic newsletter (electronic circulation of ~700).
Insertions and payment must be received in our office by the following deadlines: January 15 (Jan/Feb issue), March 15 (Mar/Apr issue), May 15 (May/June issue), July 15 (July/Aug issue), September 15 (Sept/Oct issue), November 15 (Nov/Dec issue).
Placing an Insertion
To place a newsletter insertion, please send the inserts to our printer and payment by check to our office by the appropriate deadline. For payment by credit card, call us at (800) 235-3502.
Mail inserts to:
Minuteman Press
475 Ferry St SE
Salem, OR 97301
Attn: Sky/Noah
Be sure to include a note or label the box as being for the OVMA newsletter.
Send color PDF for electronic newsletter by e-mail.
If you would like us to have black and white copies made for you at our printer, please e-mail your print ready artwork to us (black and white PDF preferred) no later than 5 days prior to the deadlines above and send payment (insertion fee + copy fee) separately to our office.
Mail payment to:
1880 Lancaster Dr. NE, Suite 118
Salem, OR 97305
or call (800) 235-3502 to pay by credit card.
Classified Ads
We accept placement of employment or business service classified ads in our newsletter and on this Web site.
Mailing List
Per OVMA board policy, mailing lists are only available for purchase to advertise CE events. No other use is permitted. The fee is $325 for one-time use. Contact us with your mailing list inquiries.
Note: We do not sell, rent or distribute our members' e-mail addresses for any reason.
Updated: May 12, 2023