Classified Ad Policy
- Classified ads will appear in one issue of the OVMA member newsletter (published bimonthly) and on this Web site for 2 months.
- Ads are posted on this Web site within 2 business days of receipt of ad and payment.
- Ads are shown on this Web site in chronological order by date submitted.
- Renewals and payment must received by the deadline or the ad will be removed from the newsletter after one issue and Web site after two months.
- We reserve the right to edit and/or adjust language to meet our ad specifications and for ease of use for readers.
Ad Placement and Renewal Deadlines
- January 15
- March 15
- May 15
- July 15
- September 15
- November 15
Word Limit
- 75 words per ad, including your To Apply: information—how applicants should contact you. Please be sure to include this information in your ad submission.
Employment, Equipment & Practice Ads
- OVMA Members: $30 per ad per issue
To qualify for this rate, the OVMA member must work at or personally own the practice that the ad is for. - Non-Members: $150 per ad per issue
Relief & Consultant Ads
These ads run for 6 issues/1 year online.
- OVMA Members: $125 per ad per year
- Non-Members: $325 per ad per year
- Technician Relief Ad: $125 per ad per year
Blind Ad Service
- $20 per ad per issue, in addition to ad fees, as above. A blind ad means responses are directed to the OVMA and then forwarded to you by e-mail or USPS. If you list your own contact information in the ad, it is not a blind ad.
Ad Submission & Payment
- Submit (or renew) your ad and payment using our online payment submission form.
If you don't want to use the online submission form, you can e-mail your ad to and then call the office at (800) 235-3502 to pay by credit card, or send a check with your ad by mail to: OVMA, 1880 Lancaster Dr. NE, Suite 118, Salem, OR 97305.
Payment is required before ads will be placed. Payment in US funds only.
Contact us if you have questions about our classified ad policy.
Updated: May 23, 2023