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Submit or Renew a Classified Ad

Use this form to submit a classified ad or a renewal for the following ad types: Veterinarian, Healthcare Team Member, Equipment for Sale or Practice for Sale. 

You can add multiple ads to your cart using this form. Once you have finished adding items to your cart, click on Cart in the top menu of the site or use the proceed to checkout link to complete your transaction. 

Submitting a Relief Services or Business Services ad? Use this form.

Membership Status*
Check the box to receive your OVMA member discount. (The fee for member ads is $30/issue, a $120 discount.)
Blind Ad*
If you would like your ad to be anonymous, you can choose to place a blind ad, which means responses are collected by the OVMA and forwarded to your designated e-mail address as we receive them. There is a $20 fee per issue for a blind ad, in addition to the ad placement fee. If you are having applicants respond directly to you at your e-mail address, it is NOT a blind ad.
Active member name required to receive Member Discount.
There is a 75 word limit, including application contact information. Please include how applicants should apply or contact you. Ads longer than 75 words will not be posted until edited to fit the word limit. If this is a renewal, type "Renewal" and the title of your ad here.
Indicate how many newsletter issues you want your ad to run in. Publication schedule: February, April, June, August, October and December. Ad deadline: 15th of the month prior to publication.