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Apply for OVMA Membership

Thank you for your interest in joining the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association!

Membership is open to veterinarians in North America only.

Looking to establish or renew your Oregon license to practice veterinary medicine? Please contact the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board.

Veterinary staff are welcome to join the Oregon Veterinary Technician and Assistants Association.

If you are already an OVMA member, please do not use this form to renew your membership. Please visit your account page to view your membership status. When your membership is due for renewal, you will see a renewal link there.

Membership Dues

  • Students: OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine students, free while in school
  • Recent DVM Graduates: (2023 or 2024): First year free
  • Step 1: First time members who are not recent graduates
  • Associate: DVMs who live and work outside Oregon
  • OSU CCVM Faculty: $175 ($100 underwritten by OSU CCVM)

For tax purposes, under provision in the Budget Act of 1993, 94% of your dues payment may be deducted as a normal business expense. Dues are not deductible as a charitable donation.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
New Member Name and Address
Complete if board certified. (Do not enter DVM.)
Select the county where you are employed. If not employed, please select your residence county. For Oregon members, this determines your OVMA district assignment.
Enter in this format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Used for OVMA communications and your Web site account. If you change this field, it will change your primary e-mail on file with us.
*Self Employed or Not Employed?* Leave this field blank. | *Choose Your Employer* Start to type the first few letters of your employer and then select it from the list. If you don't see your current practice listed, leave this field blank and enter your new clinic information in the field below. | *Other Situations* If your employer name needs a correction, or if you have a second/additional veterinary employer, include that information in the field below so we can update your record.
If you can't find your clinic above, or if you have a newly established practice, please include the following here: Clinic Name, Address, Phone Number, Web Site and whether it is a mobile practice. You can also share any additional information that you need us to know here.
e-News messages are sent in between newsletter issues and may contain breaking news or other items of interest to members. If you prefer not to receive these periodic e-mail communications from the OVMA, you can opt out. Opting out of e-News will not affect your choice for newsletter delivery.
Select the services that you personally provide to your clients, and the species that you treat. If you are in private practice in Oregon, this information will be included in your Find a Vet profile on our Web site. Note: This is not an all-inclusive list of veterinary services; it includes services that the general public may seek from a private practice veterinarian through our Find a Vet look-up service.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address